How do I make alt + tab cycle through individual windows only in current workspace in GNOME 3?

I just tried GNOME for the first time and noticed that alt+tab does not cycle through individual windows, but rather by application. In addition, it cycles through all open applications instead of just the applications in the scope of my current workspace.

How can I get alt+tab behavior that is similar to XFCE, where alt+tab cycles through all the individual windows, limited to the scope of the current workspace?

I noticed that if I press the super, I sort of get this behavior, where all the windows of the current workspace are presented to me. But after pressing the super, inexplicably I have to press before I can cycle through the windows, which is really weird.

You might want to use AlternateTab extension. This extension lets you

Substitute Alt-Tab with a window based switcher that does not group by application.

Also in the extension settings you'll find an option to enable/disable showing windows only from the current workspace.
enter image description here