Unit testing a python app that uses the requests library
I am writing an application that performs REST operations using Kenneth Reitz's requests library and I'm struggling to find a nice way to unit test these applications, because requests provides its methods via module-level methods.
What I want is the ability to synthesize the conversation between the two sides; provide a series of request assertions and responses.
It is in fact a little strange that the library has a blank page about end-user unit testing, while targeting user-friendliness and ease of use. There's however an easy-to-use library by Dropbox, unsurprisingly called responses
. Here is its intro post. It says they've failed to employ httpretty
, while stating no reason of the fail, and written a library with similar API.
import unittest
import requests
import responses
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testExample(self):
'method' : responses.GET,
'url' : 'http://example.com/api/123',
'body' : '{"error": "reason"}',
'status' : 404,
'content_type' : 'application/json',
'adding_headers' : {'X-Foo': 'Bar'}
response = requests.get('http://example.com/api/123')
self.assertEqual({'error': 'reason'}, response.json())
self.assertEqual(404, response.status_code)
If you use specifically requests try httmock. It's wonderfully simple and elegant:
from httmock import urlmatch, HTTMock
import requests
# define matcher:
def google_mock(url, request):
return 'Feeling lucky, punk?'
# open context to patch
with HTTMock(google_mock):
# call requests
r = requests.get('http://google.com/')
print r.content # 'Feeling lucky, punk?'
If you want something more generic (e.g. to mock any library making http calls) go for httpretty.
Almost as elegant:
import requests
import httpretty
def test_one():
# define your patch:
httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, "http://yipit.com/",
body="Find the best daily deals")
# use!
response = requests.get('http://yipit.com')
assert response.text == "Find the best daily deals"
HTTPretty is far more feature-rich - it offers also mocking status code, streaming responses, rotating responses, dynamic responses (with a callback).
You could use a mocking library such as Mocker to intercept the calls to the requests library and return specified results.
As a very simple example, consider this class which uses the requests library:
class MyReq(object):
def doSomething(self):
r = requests.get('https://api.github.com', auth=('user', 'pass'))
return r.headers['content-type']
Here's a unit test that intercepts the call to requests.get
and returns a specified result for testing:
import unittest
import requests
import myreq
from mocker import Mocker, MockerTestCase
class MyReqTests(MockerTestCase):
def testSomething(self):
# Create a mock result for the requests.get call
result = self.mocker.mock()
self.mocker.result({'content-type': 'mytest/pass'})
# Use mocker to intercept the call to requests.get
myget = self.mocker.replace("requests.get")
myget('https://api.github.com', auth=('user', 'pass'))
# Now execute my code
r = myreq.MyReq()
v = r.doSomething()
# and verify the results
self.assertEqual(v, 'mytest/pass')
if __name__ == '__main__':
When I run this unit test I get the following result:
Ran 1 test in 0.004s