How to allow an SCP client to change file mod time without being the owner

WinSCP complains at me when it tries to change the file modification time of a file it doesn't own. It says, set times: Operation not permitted. I can remove this error message by unchecking "Preserve timestamp" in WinSCP settings (as described here ). But I want to keep this setting on. I want to configure SSHD (I think) on my server to allow setting the file modification time to anyone with write access to the file.

I looked in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and I can't see anything that might do it.

How can I do this?

Solution 1:

It's how Linux permissions works.

No settings in SSH server can override that.

In other words your question is about Linux system, not about sshd, SCP, let only WinSCP.