Conjure Up : Unable to deploy OpenStack Cloud on LXD Configuration Ubuntu 16.04LTS (LXD not found)

After running conjure-up, and choosing OpenStack with LXD, when I try to deploy to localhost I get this error

Could not locate any network or storage devices to continue. Please make sure you have at least 1 network bridge and 1 storage pool.

When I run lxc network list I have the following


docker0 bridge NO             0

eth0 physical  NO  -          0

lxdbr0 bridge YES   -         1

When I run lxc storage list I have the following



DRIVER - dir

SOURCE - /var/lib/lxd/storage-pools/default


Also on running lxc list the output is as below

NAME - valued-kangaroo


IPV4  - 10.x.x.x (eth0)

IPV6 - 



Where am I going wrong?

Thanks !

Ubuntu Version: 64 Bit 16.04LTS

Solution 1:

I encountered the same issue on Ubuntu 16.04 and found out there is a compatibility issue with LXD (default Ubuntu's lxd or installed via snap) and conjure-up. Conjure-up could not access LXD containers or something (look into the logs). So what I did to make it to work is to install the latest LXD from its PPA and start the conjure-up again.

1. It's better to have a fresh server to start with so I re-installed Ubuntu 16.04t

2. Instead of using the default LXD, I added the LXD's stable PPA and upgraded it (important):

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-lxc/stable
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt dist-upgrade
$ sudo apt install lxd zfsutils-linux

3. Configure LXD (important):

$ sudo lxd init

Just answer the questions using the default values except for the IPv6's one. Then you will have a bridge network interface (e.g. lxdbr0: 10.x.x.x) and a zfspool.

4. Disable IPv6 on all the network interfaces:

$ sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.lxdbr0.disable_ipv6=1
$ sudo sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.enp2s0.disable_ipv6=1

Note: change lxdbr0 and enp2s0 to your correct network interface names

5. Install conjure-up using snappy:

$ sudo snap install conjure-up

6. Then you will be able to deploy OpenStack NovaLX using conjure-up:

$ conjure-up

I also put the instructions here:

Hope that will help.

Solution 2:

I have the same problem with a fresh install of Ubunutu Server 17.04. I'm following this guide but it seems LXD needs to be configured exactly right before starting. I've tried several resources online but keep striking out. It would seem like there would be really solid instructions somewhere for getting s simple environment up and running from a clean install. Searching all night but nothing yet...