Postfix error in regexp in body checks expression

Let me just take the regex out of your question:

 ^^                  (A) this part is not needed
   ^^^^^             (B) this matches .icu
        ^^^          (C) this matches 0, 1, 2 or any number of /
           ^         (D) this matches 1 character (any of them)

To get to the proper regex, you need to

  • remove A (to improve performance)
  • keep B
  • modify C to describe one / character
  • drop D (I presume it was placed here by a mistake, perhaps you mixed .* to *.?

So the proper regexp is:


The construct \/* matches any slash including no slash. Maybe /.*\.icu\/.*/ Reject is what you want to match only those addresses containing ".icu/". I'm not familiar with postfix regexes, but my guess is the escaped slash is correct.


The improved regex should be /\.icu\// Reject (Thanks asdmin)