ACPI Errors when booting , Can't boot

Solution 1:

Just had a similar issue myself, try:

  1. Hold down Left-Shift on boot to bring up the GRUB menu
  2. Press e to edit the default boot parameters
  3. At the end of the kernel line (near the bottom), add acpi=off - if you have other acpi options place this one before them
  4. F10 to boot

That should at least get you past the ACPI errors and booting, getting it working is another story entirely.

These steps work for disabling ACPI in Ubuntu 16.10 but still have no idea what is actually causing issues. For me this happened just after doing an update.


Okay, so for me I found I could get away with just using pci=noacpi and everything I can remember working before is working again (with exception to my GPU). I then set these changes permanently in GRUB: How do I add a kernel boot parameter?

My guess is that either my BIOS is genuinely corrupted (after doing nothing to it), or that ACPI was changed in the update and the reboot caused these non-working updates to be used in my system.

Edit of Edit:

I found that acpi=strict allows booting and for my GTX 960M graphics card to be picked up. I think it had something to do with it sending an interrupt that would allow the kernel to know it's there or something.