Groovy, how to iterate a list with an index

With all the shorthand ways of doing things in Groovy, there's got to be an easier way to iterate a list while having access to an iteration index.

for(i in 0 .. list.size()-1) {
   println list.get(i)

Is there no implicit index in a basic for loop?

for( item in list){
    println item       
    println index

Solution 1:

You can use eachWithIndex:

list.eachWithIndex { item, index ->
    println item
    println index

With Groovy 2.4 and newer, you can also use the indexed() method. This can be handy to access the index with methods like collect:

def result = list.indexed().collect { index, item ->
    "$index: $item"
println result

Solution 2:

Try this if you want to start index 1.

[ 'rohit', 'ravi', 'roshan' ].eachWithIndex { name, index, indexPlusOne = index + 1 ->
    println "Name $name has position $indexPlusOne"