What is the difference between "impossible" and "implausible"? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
“Plausible” vs. “possible”

My English-Russian dictionary translates "impossible" and "implausible" absolutely the same. But there must be a difference. Could you explain, please?

No, these words are very different in meanings.

"Implausible" means "not seeming reasonable or probable", while "impossible" means "not able to occur, exist or be done," as you read in Oxford Dictionary of English.

Probably, in some contexts, "totally implausible" could mean "impossible."

You can use these words together. For example:

  • It is the macroevolutionary ideas, new species evolving from a variety of species, that remains a mystery, and for most considered implausible and impossible. (See.)

  • But considering that the Broncos won seven of their games this season by a total of 25 points and lost four by 105, victory over the Steelers will be mission implausible, but not impossible. (See.)

I hope the above explanation clarify your doubts.

Words rarely translate accurately, which is why it is a good idea to use single language dictionaries if you can. From OED.

implausible, adj.

Pronunciation: /ɪmˈplɔːzɪb(ə)l/

†1. Not worthy of applause; personally unacceptable. Obs.

2. Not having the appearance of truth, probability, or acceptability; not plausible.

I think meaning (1), though obsolete, neatly summarises the concept of implausible. Contrast with impossible

impossible, adj. and n.

Pronunciation: /ɪmˈpɒsɪb(ə)l/

a. Not possible; that cannot be done or effected; that cannot exist or come into being; that cannot be, in existing or specified circumstances. Const. to or for.