Only allow owner to delete file in shared network drive Windows

Im having a problem with sharing drive in my office. The problem if we have a computer to share folder so all workers can upload and save file to it. But we want to prevent workers to delete other's files. We tried to deny delete permission from security tab but that disallowed users to rename and save Word documents files. So my question is: How to only allow the user who uploaded the file to shared network drive delete it?

I believe I've figured this out. Here's what you need to do:

  • Assign all permissions except Delete and Delete subfolders and files (I do not believe you have to Deny them, just don't Allow them) to Everyone
  • Assign Full Control to OWNER RIGHTS

This will do the following:

  • Allow all users to modify all other users' files
  • Allow all users to create new files
  • Allow all users to delete and rename files that they created (files that they own)
  • Prohibit all users from deleting or renaming files that others users created (files that they do not own)

This is by (NTFS) design. If you rename, you delete the original file on the file system and create a new one with your content but a different name. You won't be able to change that behaviour. Maybe you should rather change your workflows.

Edit: found a similar Q here Is it possible to grant rename permissions, but not delete, in NTFS?