How can you play the same songs as a radio station at a higher quality?

There's an FM radio station I listen to very often, and I really like the way they mix the songs. Much better than simply shuffling my music. I happen to have the vast majority of the songs they play, all properly tagged mp3's @ 320kbps. I would like to have an automated function that tunes in to the radio station, uses a music tagging service such as shazam to find the currently playing song, and plays the higher quality version that I have in its place. Any ideas?

P.S. I'm not sure if this is the right stackexchange community for this question. If not, please redirect me to the proper community.

You can install the windows or mac client of shazamo and track the songs. Or use Stream-That-Song by Orange Innovation, which writes the songs into a spotify playlist where you can play them or export.

Also check . The provide a python/C/java library for music recognition.