Can't extend (C:) partition [duplicate]

I am trying to extend the C: with the unallocated space on the on the left. I tried using a tool like EaseUS disk tool but it wasn't able to move C: to the left of the unallocated space. Does anyone know how to get around this?

Using windows disk management tools, you can only extend C:\ if unallocated space is immediately after it

There are third party tools which claim to help you do that but I haven't used them personally. The best documentation I could find for this is at this post

The problem is you are using standard MBR disks and thus partitions must be contiguous. Furthermore, nomatter what kind of disk, you can only extend or shrink partitions from the end, not the beginning. Windows' disk management being relatively simplistic, won't let you do what you want.

Third party partitioning tools, such as Paragon Partition Manager Free edition or various other tools included in Linux (e.g. gParted) can allow this but only with a series of workarounds:

  1. First, you have to move the system reserved partition to the beginning of the disk. This should only take a few minutes
  2. Then, you have to move the C: partition to the beginning of the disk, right after the reserved partition. This involves copying and rewriting the entire drive of data so can take a long time depending on your drive speed.
  3. Finally, you can then extend the C: partition into the free space created after it.

Ultimately, the amount of time it takes may not be worth it for less than 0.5GB of extra space.