How to effectively use Vim: wildmenu

Solution 1:

wildmenu and wildmode are used for command line completion. The simplest way to try it would be with :color <Tab>: the command line is "expanded" vertically with a list of all the colorschemes available on your machine displayed in columns and an horizontal strip that you can navigate with <Tab> (forward) and <S-Tab> (backward).

The behaviour of command line completion and wildmenu are dependant on wildmode.

See :help wildmode and :help wildmenu for more details.

Solution 2:

Probably the most comfortable option, at least for me is:

set wildmenu
set wildmode=longest:full,full

That means that on first <Tab> it will complete to the longest common string and will invoke wildmenu (a horizontal and unobtrusive little menu). On next <Tab> it will complete the first alternative and it will start to cycle through the rest. You can go back and forth with <Tab> and <S-Tab> respectively.

An awesome example on how wildmenu is very useful, is to complete buffers, use the config I posted and then try:


Solution 3:

My favorite is

set wildmenu
set wildmode=longest:list,full

First tab will complete to longest string and show the the match list, then second tab will complete to first full match and open the wildmenu.

Solution 4:

:set wildmode=list:longest allows you to expand the wildmenu.

:set wildmenu allows you to use <Left> or <Right> to navigate through the completion lists.