Add correct century to dates with year provided as "Year without century", %y

Solution 1:

1) chron. chron uses 30 by default so this will convert them converting first to Date (since chron can't read those sorts of dates) reformatting to character with two digit years into a format that chron can understand and finally back to Date.

xx <- c("01AUG11", "01AUG12", "01AUG13") # sample data
as.Date(chron(format(as.Date(xx, "%d%b%y"), "%m/%d/%y")))

That gives a cutoff of 30 but we can get a cutoff of 13 using chron's chron.year.expand option:

options(chron.year.expand = 
     function (y, = 12, century = c(1900, 2000), ...) {
        chron:::year.expand(y, =, century = century, ...)

and then repeating the original conversion. For example assuming we had run this options statement already we would get the following with our xx :

> as.Date(chron(format(as.Date(xx, "%d%b%y"), "%m/%d/%y")))
[1] "2011-08-01" "2012-08-01" "1913-08-01"

2) Date only. Here is an alternative that does not use chron. You might want to replace "2012-12-31" with Sys.Date() if the idea is that otherwise future dates are really to be set 100 years back:

d <- as.Date(xx, "%d%b%y")
as.Date(ifelse(d > "2012-12-31", format(d, "19%y-%m-%d"), format(d)))

EDIT: added Date only solution.

Solution 2:

See response from related thread:

format(as.Date("65-05-14", "%y-%m-%d"), "19%y-%m-%d")