Is it possible to make a textbox autocomplete in WPF?

I found a sample where a combo box is used and the triangle is removed by editing the style template.

Is there a better solution?

You can find one in the WPF Toolkit, which is also available via NuGet.

This article demos how to create a textbox which can auto-suggest items at runtime based on input, in this case, disk drive folders. WPF AutoComplete Folder TextBox

Also take a look at this nice Reusable WPF Autocomplete TextBox, it was for me very usable.

Nimgoble's is the version I used in 2015. Thought I'd put it here as this question was top of the list in google for "wpf autocomplete textbox"

  1. Install nuget package for project in Visual Studio

  2. Add a reference to the library in the xaml:

  3. Create a textbox and bind the AutoCompleteBehaviour to List<String> (TestItems):
    <TextBox Text="{Binding TestText, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" behaviors:AutoCompleteBehavior.AutoCompleteItemsSource="{Binding TestItems}" />

IMHO this is much easier to get started and manage than the other options listed above.

or you can add the AutoCompleteBox into the toolbox by clicking on it and then Choose Items, go to WPF Components, type in the filter AutoCompleteBox, which is on the System.Windows.Controls namespace and the just drag into your xaml file. This is way much easier than doing these other stuff, since the AutoCompleteBox is a native control.