Find which season a particular date belongs to

I have a vector of dates and for each entry, I would like to assign a season. So for example, if a date is between 21.12. and 21.3., I would says that's winter. So far I have tried the following code but I couldn't make it more generic, irrespective of the year.

my.dates <- as.Date("2011-12-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d") + 0:60 <- as.Date("2011-12-15", format = "%Y-%m-%d") <- as.Date("2012-01-15", format = "%Y-%m-%d")

my.dates[my.dates <= & my.dates >=] 
 [1] "2011-12-15" "2011-12-16" "2011-12-17" "2011-12-18" "2011-12-19" "2011-12-20" "2011-12-21" "2011-12-22" "2011-12-23" "2011-12-24" "2011-12-25"
[12] "2011-12-26" "2011-12-27" "2011-12-28" "2011-12-29" "2011-12-30" "2011-12-31" "2012-01-01" "2012-01-02" "2012-01-03" "2012-01-04" "2012-01-05"
[23] "2012-01-06" "2012-01-07" "2012-01-08" "2012-01-09" "2012-01-10" "2012-01-11" "2012-01-12" "2012-01-13" "2012-01-14" "2012-01-15"

I have tried formatting the dates without the year, but it isn't working.

ld <- as.Date("12-15", format = "%m-%d")
hd <- as.Date("01-15", format = "%m-%d")
my.dates[my.dates <= hd & my.dates >= ld] 

Solution 1:

How about using something like this:

getSeason <- function(DATES) {
    WS <- as.Date("2012-12-15", format = "%Y-%m-%d") # Winter Solstice
    SE <- as.Date("2012-3-15",  format = "%Y-%m-%d") # Spring Equinox
    SS <- as.Date("2012-6-15",  format = "%Y-%m-%d") # Summer Solstice
    FE <- as.Date("2012-9-15",  format = "%Y-%m-%d") # Fall Equinox

    # Convert dates from any year to 2012 dates
    d <- as.Date(strftime(DATES, format="2012-%m-%d"))

    ifelse (d >= WS | d < SE, "Winter",
      ifelse (d >= SE & d < SS, "Spring",
        ifelse (d >= SS & d < FE, "Summer", "Fall")))

my.dates <- as.Date("2011-12-01", format = "%Y-%m-%d") + 0:60
head(getSeason(my.dates), 24)
#  [1] "Fall"   "Fall"   "Fall"   "Fall"   "Fall"   "Fall"   "Fall"  
#  [8] "Fall"   "Fall"   "Fall"   "Fall"   "Fall"   "Fall"   "Fall"  
# [15] "Winter" "Winter" "Winter" "Winter" "Winter" "Winter"

One note: 2012 is a good year to which to convert all of the dates; since it is a leap year, any February 29ths in your data set will be handled smoothly.

Solution 2:

I have something similarly ugly as Tim:

R> toSeason <- function(dat) {
+     stopifnot(class(dat) == "Date")
+     scalarCheck <- function(dat) {
+         m <- as.POSIXlt(dat)$mon + 1        # correct for 0:11 range
+         d <- as.POSIXlt(dat)$mday           # correct for 0:11 range
+         if ((m == 3 & d >= 21) | (m == 4) | (m == 5) | (m == 6 & d < 21)) {
+             r <- 1
+         } else if ((m == 6 & d >= 21) | (m == 7) | (m == 8) | (m == 9 & d < 21)) {
+             r <- 2
+         } else if ((m == 9 & d >= 21) | (m == 10) | (m == 11) | (m == 12 & d < 21)) {
+             r <- 3
+         } else {
+             r <- 4
+         }
+         r
+     }
+     res <- sapply(dat, scalarCheck)
+     res <- ordered(res, labels=c("Spring", "Summer", "Fall", "Winter"))
+     invisible(res)
+ }

And here is a test:

R> date <- Sys.Date() + (0:11)*30
R> DF <- data.frame(Date=date, Season=toSeason(date))
         Date Season
1  2012-02-29 Winter
2  2012-03-30 Spring
3  2012-04-29 Spring
4  2012-05-29 Spring
5  2012-06-28 Summer
6  2012-07-28 Summer
7  2012-08-27 Summer
8  2012-09-26   Fall
9  2012-10-26   Fall
10 2012-11-25   Fall
11 2012-12-25 Winter
12 2013-01-24 Winter
R> summary(DF)
      Date               Season 
 Min.   :2012-02-29   Spring:3  
 1st Qu.:2012-05-21   Summer:3  
 Median :2012-08-12   Fall  :3  
 Mean   :2012-08-12   Winter:3  
 3rd Qu.:2012-11-02             
 Max.   :2013-01-24             