Where is the temp folder?

OS X generates a programmatic directory stored in /private/var and defines the $TMPDIR environment variable for locating the system temporary folder.

Using Terminal.app, type echo $TMPDIR or open $TMPDIR (to open Finder on that folder).

There you will find temp files stored by the Applications running.

Source: https://superuser.com/questions/581347/where-is-the-temp-folder-inos-x

Since OS X is based on UNIX, there are several types of temporary directories, in addition the the "system" one where it stores things.

  • $TMPDIR which is generated like /var/folders/xl/84p38nhj405frmrkdpqb3v9c0000gn/T/
  • /private/tmp
  • /private/var/tmp
  • /private/var/at/tmp
  • /private/var/spool/cups/tmp

Your question has a false premise that there IS a "temp" folder. This isn't Windows, and the Unix architecture of Mac OS X is entirely different. Temp folder for what? For some low level junk, there's /tmp and /var/tmp. For Application preferences there's ~/Library/Preferences, for Application caches and temp files, there's ~/Library/Application\ Support.

A clearer answer would be possible if you specified the particular task you're trying to accomplish.