Plex and Newshosting/Couch Potato and SZBND

can someone assist me. I'm new to Linux and setting up nmy plex media Server. I have the following issues.

  1. I source movies from NH and some are playable in Plex and some are not. The playable ones have 1 file in the folder and non playable file has multiple brown looking packages in the folder
  2. I have also installed CP and SBZ and have added movies in CP but when do they hit SZB and start downloading?

Any assistance would be much appreciated.


Solution 1:

From what I can see, you do not have the 4TB drive set to automatically mount in the same location every time you boot your system, which can cause a problem with Plex's library to be able to see your drive.

To give your drive a mount point that it can use at every startup, first create a folder to be used as a mount point. Since mine is an external Seagate drive, I created a folder called /media/Seagate for the drive.

sudo mkdir -p /media/Seagate

Next, you can either add the drive manually to the /etc/fstab file, or you can use gnome-disks. To install gnome-disks run the following from a terminal:

sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility

Then to get into gnome-disks run the following from a terminal:


Now in the application, go and find your drive in the left column, select the partition of the drive that you are going to use and click on the gear icon to bring up the menu: (yes, I know, I have lots of drives in this system.)

enter image description here

From the drop down menu, select Edit Mount Options:

enter image description here

In the Mount Options, set it like the following. I like to use nofail as an option so just in case the external USB drive is not connected the system will still boot up OK:

enter image description here

Click OK after completed. I would now recommend a reboot for the mount to take effect.

After your system is back up, now you should be able to add your folders from the external drive to your Plex library so that it can automatically add your media files for you to play:

enter image description here

Hope this helps!