I'm experiencing painfully slow operations with one of our SVN repositories/projects.

For example, it's taking 5-10 minutes to revert the changes in one small file (10 KB). Or about 40-60 minutes to check out the project of 100 MB.

There are about 30 other projects on the same server, some vastly bigger than this one, and none of them preform like this.

One thing to note is that this project is a Magento project. It's not very large in terms of disk space, but I have 23k Files and 11k folders, and I have read SVN preforms badly when there are lots of little files; is this true? And is there anything I can do to speed things up?

The Subversion working copy performs quite badly when there's a huge number of directories, like in your case. For write operations (even only locally) to the working copy, the working copy has to be locked, which means that a lock file is created in every directory (that's 11k file creates), then the action executes, and the those 11k files are deleted again.

Subversion 1.7 is moving to a different working copy format, that should resolve these problems. Until then there's a few tricks you might try to speed things up, like excluding the working copy from your virus scanner, disabling file monitors on the directory (like TortoiseSvnCache), and trying to reduce the total number of directories. (Perhaps by checking out a few separate working copies)

There is a known issue with the use of the recycle bin with revert which causes slow reverting. Emptying your recycle bin and setting TortoiseSVN not to use it during revert operations both speed up this operation (see http://www.nabble.com/Revert-is-too-slow-td18222196.html).

This has definitely sped up my revert operations.

I experienced extreme slowness with Subversion on Windows after changing my password. I had to delete all directories and files from %APPDATA%\Subversion\auth.

Now SVN is fast as a hare. My slowness occurred via both TortoiseSVN and the command line.

SVN is slow if you use NFS (Network File System) for the working copy. This could be your problem.

We have face similar issue, the problem was TortoiseSvn (Version 1.9.7). For example, the repo browser took about 10 minutes to initial.

We have turned of the Show Locks feature and every thing fixed!

Right click on a folder and select Tortoise\Settings then General\Dialog 3 then deselect Show Locks

Also some good hints can be found at http://tigris-scm.10930.n7.nabble.com/Workaround-for-slow-RepositoryBrowser-on-large-repositories-td92324.html