How do I stress test CPU and RAM (at the same time)?

I've searched the net and came across the Ubuntu wiki saying

stress-ng --matrix 0

is supposed the best. But there are dedicated stressors for CPU and RAM (looking at man).

Any ideas which one is the best to use? Thank you

You can install stress with:

sudo apt install stress

Then call it with:

stress --cpu 8 --io 4 --vm 4 --vm-bytes 1024M --timeout 10s

On my conky display notice how:

  • In the top section CPU utilization spikes from 3% to 100%
  • In the middle the temperature spikes from 60C to 80C
  • At the bottom memory spikes from normal 2.75 GiB to 6.25 GiB

stress test.gif

Type stress --help for a full list of options.

A commentator requested posting the entire conky script which I did here: conky transparent