How can I submit a NetBeans project to Ubuntu App Developer?
Solution 1:
In short, you need to package your application in the Debian packaging format. If you know how to package, simply upload a tarball or a zip file with the source package.
If you don't know how to package, you've got two options:
- If your application is a commercial app, you can upload the .jar files and Canonical will package it for you
- If your application is an open source app, you can contact the Ubuntu App Review Board via e-mail or IRC and they will help you getting started. alternatively, you can learn more about packaging on the Ubuntu Packaging Guide
This is also explained in:
And in more detail, in:
Solution 2:
I do not develop in Java, but here are a few sites that might have the answer for you.
This would also be a good question to seek an answer for during Ubuntu Developer Week.
From my experience Java Applications get published as .jar files, but I am not sure how to make that happen under NetBeans.
I did find the following link which may help: