Python alternative to reduce()

Solution 1:

As Guido's linked article says, you should just write an explicit for loop if you want to avoid reduce(). You can replace the line

result = reduce(function, iterable, start)


result = start
for x in iterable:
    result = function(result, x)

Solution 2:

What I'd like to know is if there is a similar "more pythonic" alternative to the reduce function.

Yes and no. It depends upon the use case.

In the linked article Guido suggests that most but not all reductions ought to be written as loops. There are limited circumstances in which he sees reduce as being applicable.

So in my mind, the applicability of reduce() is pretty much limited to associative operators, and in all other cases it's better to write out the accumulation loop explicitly.

There aren't a whole lot of associative operators. (Those are operators X for which (a X b) X c equals a X (b X c).) I think it's just about limited to +, *, &, |, ^, and shortcut and/or.

Solution 3:

The two-line alternative for python>=3.8

result = your_array[0]
[result := your_func(result, x) for x in list_of_matrices[1:]]

Example for calculating the Kronecker product:

list_of_matrices = [



result_reduce = reduce(np.kron, list_of_matrices) 

result_walrus = list_of_matrices[0]
[result_walrus := np.kron(result_walrus, x) for x in list_of_matrices[1:]]

print((result_walrus == result_reduce).all())




Reduce 30 times: 10.39 sec.
Walrus 30 times: 10.37 sec.