What is the difference between run-time error and compiler error? [duplicate]

A run time error will only occur when the code is actually running. These are the most difficult - and lead to program crashes and bugs in your code which can be hard to track down.

An example might be trying to convert a string: "hello" into an integer:

string helloWorld = "hello";
int willThrowRuntimeError = Convert.ToInt32(helloWorld);

The compiler may not see this as a problem but when run an error will be thrown.

Compiler errors are due to inaccuracies in code, where the compiler throws an error to alert you to something which will not compile, and therefore cannot be run.

An example of a compiler error would be:

int = "this is not an int";

Hope that helps.

A runtime error happens during the running of the program. A compiler error happens when you try to compile the code.

If you are unable to compile your code, that is a compiler error.

If you compile and run your code, but then it fails during execution, that is runtime.

Compile time errors refers to syntax and semantics. For example, if you do operations that involves different types. Ex: adding a string with an int, or dividing a string by a real. (read the last paragraph thou!!!)

Run Time errors are those that are detected when the program execute. For example, division by zero. The compiler can not know if the operation x/a-b will leads to division by zero until the execution.

This is a very broad explanation. There are many smart compilers, and, also, is possible to do internal casting among different types that leads to operations that make sense. It it possible to pre-compile code and see some run time errors even if the code is not executed.

Refer to this link too: Runtime vs Compile time

Compile time errors are errors of syntax and semantics.

Run time errors are errors of logic primarily. Due to something the programmer has overlooked, the program crashes e.g. division by 0, accessing a variable without initializing it first etc.