How to redirect all outgoing email from postfix to a single address for testing

I am setting up a testing server for a web based application that sends some email notifications.

Sometimes testing is performed with real customer data, and for that reason I need to guarantee that the server is not able to send emails to our real customers while we're testing.

What I want is to configure postfix so that it takes any outgoing email and redirects it to a single email address, instead of delivering to the real destination.

I am running Ubuntu server 9.10.

Thank you in advance

Solution 1:

Set up a local user to receive all trapped mail:

adduser mailtrap

You need to add in

transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
luser_relay = mailtrap

Then create /etc/postfix/transport with this in there:

localhost :
* local:mailtrap

Save an then run: postmap /etc/postfix/transport finally restart postfix invoke-rc.d postfix restart

All local email will be delivered normally and external email will be delivered to the local mailtrap account.

Solution 2:

Better is to create a virtual alias file:

In /etc/postfix/

virtual_alias_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/virtual

In /etc/postfix/virtual:

/.*@.*/ root

You can replace root with whichever user you'd like to receive all the outgoing e-mail. This pattern can be tweaked if you want local mail to be delivered normally (without redirection):

/.*@(?!hostname\.localdomain$).*/ root

Original idea found here: Postfix development server - intercept all outgoing mail