‘ld: warning: directory not found for option’

Solution 1:

You need to do this:

  1. Click on your project (targets)
  2. Click on Build Settings
    • if your error includes the -L flag, then delete the values in Library Search Paths
    • if your error includes the -F flag, then delete the values in Framework Search Paths

And regarding the second error, sorry i can't help you out with that one. Hope someone else can help you out.

Solution 2:

There are two errors that people seem to be confusing.

If it is a "directory not found for option '-L/..." error, that means it's a Library Error, and you should try to:

  • Click on your project (targets)
  • Click on Build Settings
  • Under Library Search Paths, delete the paths

If it is a "directory not found for option '-F/...", that means it's a Framework Error, and you should try to:

  • Click on your project (targets)
  • Click on Build Settings
  • Under Framework Search Paths, delete the paths

This might happen when you move the referenced file around.

Solution 3:

My problem was that I opened the original .xcodeproj instead of the .xcworkspace that was generated by CocoaPods.

Solution 4:

I had to remove the references at:

  • Target
  • Build Settings
  • Framework Search Paths

enter image description here

Then the build was broken (expected). So I removed the Framework (FB SDK), re-added it and voila. No more errors or warnings. :)