Will I know when the Windows 10 files are being downloaded in the background or not?

After reserving the free Windows 10 Upgrade, and once the download is available, will I be notified if the download is taking place, or will it take place without my knowledge?

The reason I am asking this is because, if I am notified about the taking place of the download, I can keep my PC turned on, connected to the internet.

Solution 1:

After reserving a Windows 10 Upgrade, after a few hours when you click the same Windows-like icon in the taskbar, you will see a window pop up with the message "Download - In Progress", and you can see the download progress by clicking on the button "View Download Progress".

(Image source)

My background download is in progress with 20% done. That's all folks!

Solution 2:

No you wont get a notification but if you go to the root of C: then you should see (if enabled) a hidden folder called: "$Windows.~BT" that shows that windows 10 is being downloaded to your computer.

Hidden folder

You can also download with this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10

Solution 3:

No, I won't be notified regarding the download.

I learn tthis in the thread that I started: Will I know when the Windows 10 files are being downloaded in the background or not?.

The correct answer was posted by an MVP, Andre Da Costa , and it said:

No, it won't provide any progress when its actually downloading.