"Missing LSB tags and overrides" error on /etc/init.d script

I made a script as showed in this tutorial: http://edv-huber.com/index.php/problemloesungen/15-custom-splash-screen-for-raspberry-pi-raspbian

But after executing a command:

insserv /etc/init.d/asplashscreen

I get errors:

insserv: warning script 'k01localhostrepair.sh missing lsb tags and overrides
insserv: warning: scrpt 'localhostrepair.sh' missing LSB tags and overrides

I guess it is because I made a mistake of doing:

chmod 777 /etc/init.d 

in order to copy one file there. How do I repair that and the problem above?

EDIT: I don't know why, but it started working (not good actually). When RPi is booting, 4/5 boots end up crashing the Pi. When it is loading, there is a splash screen, but after couple seconds, so I can still see console output at the beginning. The splash image also disappears after a short time, not right before the desktop boots.

Solution 1:

Those are just warnings, and wont actually break anything. The idea is by providing consistent documentation inside your script about the purpose, dependancies, etc, other tools can use that.

The standard headers look like this:

# Provides:          scriptname
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start daemon at boot time
# Description:       Enable service provided by daemon.

Obviously, edit the specifics for your init script.

Changing the permissions on /etc/init.d to 777 isn't a great idea security-wise, but it alone shouldn't break the startup process. By setting it to 777 you allow any user on the system to potentially make changes that will be run by the root user a bootup. Better to leave those permissions at something like 755 or 775 (see man chmod for more specific details on what those permissions mean)