Ubuntu 16.04 Installation Issue Boots Into Black Screen or Freezes - Nouveau/Nvidia Driver issue 1080ti [duplicate]

I ran into the same problem a couple months later with some additional issues and I was kicking myself for not answering my post. This time I could not run from the live USB, it gave a "grey" screen and then output the same nouveau driver error.

  1. Created bootable flash drive in Windows 10 with Universal USB Installer (Rufus didn't work for some reason)

  2. Boot up from the USB in the mode that does not have "(UEFI)" in front of it

  3. Press e over the install option, remove hyphens make sure it has nomodeset. I cant remember if quiet splash was there already or not. Similar to this Ubuntu Forums thread

  4. Run through set up and make sure that you allow for updates to the system

  5. If you did not do that, you might run into more issues like I did.

  6. I had to boot up in recovery mode and boot up with "quiet splash nomodeset" set link in step 3 but now in grub

  7. Make sure that you update your video drivers using to this PPA

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install nvidia-384 # or the latest driver

I hope this helps someone else other than me.