How do I un-install Ubuntu TV
Solution 1:
If it has been packaged correctly, by installing UbuntuTV using the deb package from webupd8, you should (in theory) be able to ppa-purge the PPA and this would restore your system.
sudo ppa-purge ppa:nilarimogard/test3
sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-video
If you see the following error message sudo: ppa-purge: command not found
then install the ppa-purge
sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
However, as all PPAs are potentially destructive, a drive-image would be prudent to make, especially as UbuntuTV makes underlying changes to Ubuntu2D.
I've done some limited testing installing and ppa-purge the package. From initial testing, ubuntu-2D works correctly after uninstalling - i.e. the same packages upgraded to v5 are downgraded to v4.x that is standard in oneiric.
However - the warning should be still applicable - drive-image your hard-drive. Use it as an excuse to perform that regular backup procedure we all keep putting off... :)
Linked Question:
- How do I install Ubuntu TV on my computer?