Installing libboost-python-dev for python3 without installing python2.7
I am trying to install boost bindings for python3 on Ubuntu Xenial, but it pulls in whole python2.7 dependency tree. I do not want or need python2.7 on my system (Docker image). Is there a way to install only python3 bindings?
I have resolved to compiling and installing boost myself (I also installed/compiled Python 3.6 myself.). I have in my Dockerfile now:
# We have to compile it ourselves against the custom Python and cannot use Debian package.
# Includes a symlink workaround for:
RUN cd /usr/src && \
wget --no-verbose && \
tar xzf boost_1_65_1.tar.gz && \
cd boost_1_65_1 && \
ln -s /usr/local/include/python3.6m /usr/local/include/python3.6 && \
./ --with-python=$(which python3) && \
./b2 install && \
rm /usr/local/include/python3.6 && \
ldconfig && \
cd / && rm -rf /usr/src/*
You have three options:
1. Build Boost.Python yourself
This is the option I recommend: it's clean, there's no risk to mess up your system and you have full control on what you get. Moreover1
Boost.Python is a separately-compiled (as opposed to header-only) library
so you can just build that. Download the archive and follow the instruction on the Getting Started guide. (This is what OP did.)
2. Use dpkg
to avoid installing unwanted dependecies
If you don't want to build Boost.Python yourself, you can bypass apt
(and its dependencies cheking) with dpkg
Let's say you want to install a package named foo
which depends on bar
and baz
, but you don't actually need baz
apt download foo bar
sudo dpkg --ignore-depends=baz --install foo.deb bar.deb
Notice that apt
will still complain about unresolved dependencies (but hey, that's its job), so the problem is not entirely solved: you just swept it under the carpet.
This option is quicker than the previous one, but I wouldn't recommend it.
3. Use equivs
to fool apt
This is new to me. Apparently, you can create dummy packages to fulfill the dependencies.
In this way, you don't have to install unwanted/unnecessary packages and apt
will not complain about it.
As I said, I've never used equivs
before, but you can find out more about it here.