How can I handle R CMD check "no visible binding for global variable" notes when my ggplot2 syntax is sensible?

You have two solutions:

  • Rewrite your code to avoid non-standard evaluation. For ggplot2, this means using aes_string() instead of aes() (as described by Harlan)

  • Add a call to globalVariables(c("x.values", "y.values")) somewhere in the top-level of your package.

You should strive for 0 NOTES in your package when submitting to CRAN, even if you have to do something slightly hacky. This makes life easier for CRAN, and easier for you.

(Updated 2014-12-31 to reflect my latest thoughts on this)

Have you tried with aes_string instead of aes? This should work, although I haven't tried it:

aes_string(x = 'x.values', y = 'y.values')

This question has been asked and answered a while ago but just for your information, since version 2.1.0 there is another way to get around the notes: aes_(x=~x.values,y=~y.values).