Why do the RAM requirements for a Visual Studio in a virtual machine leave so little for the host that i'd expect would require more? [duplicate]


1 GB of RAM (1.5 GB if running on a virtual machine)

Does it mean the host requires 1.5GB and will probably use 0.5GB and allow visual studio to run in a 1GB virtual machine?

That is very little for the host, since Windows 7 itself on the host is said to require 1GB.

Looking at a similar question here, the questioner did not have that in mind and so didn't request an answer to that in any answers.

The basic math stems from that Visual Studio on the host requiring 1GB includes 0.5GB for Windows and 0.5GB for Visual Studio.

In a VM you have 0.5GB for host Windows 0.5GB for virtual Windows and 0.5GB for Visual Studio.

Those are minimums. I personally would not recommend running either Windows or Visual Studio without at least double those numbers in normal desktop use.