JVM errors when running minecraft

This is the output I am getting when I am playing minecraft.

Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning:
 Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
Unrecognized VM option 'CMSIncrementalMode'
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.

How can I resolve this?

Solution 1:

Edit your Java arguments (Profile Settings) for starting the game and get rid of CMSIncrementalMode (-XX:+CMSIncrementalMode). If your using Java 8 you don't really need any arguments. If you have not installed Java Look here...Install Java 8

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Enter your profile settings and at the bottom make sure JVM Arguments is selected, then delete -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode. That's what worked for me.