Is there a word for a person who is able to focus on multiple tasks at same time?

Solution 1:

There must be a word, however it doesn't make sense. A person, as many studies and research suggest, is only capable to concentrate on one task at a time.

I found some interesting information here:

Solution 2:

Multi-tasker is probably the most widely recognized English phrase for this. Someone able to do remarkable feats of intellect or creativity, like Leonardo writing and drawing at the same time, is often called a prodigy. That doesn't necessarily imply doing multiple things at once, but it's the sort of thing that a prodigy might be able to do.

Solution 3:

"Multi-tasker" is probably the most recognized descriptor. But in reality, one is time slicing and diverting attention from one task to another in bursts. It's perhaps noteworthy that a study of college students found that most were overall less effective when "multi-tasking" than when they focused their attention for longer blocks of time. Unfortunately, the students also underestimated the detrimental effect of shifting focus too often.

It actually makes some rational sense because the older pejorative descriptor of attempting this used to known as "scatterbrained!"