Solid State Drive + Forced Shutdown

It depends on what you mean by damage the SSD. Hardware kind of damage, no. Software kind of damage, yes.

As with any drive, if windows is writing to an important systemfile while the power is cut, that file will become corrupted. If the important systemfile is required for windows to properly work, windows will no longer boot.

As for hardware kind of power down, if you cut the electricity to the device, it simply stops. There are no mechanical parts in an SSD so its even less prone to failure. The problem with power outages is usually that before there is a power outage, first a big voltage is sent over the powergrid. Usually it won't reach your home and if it does, there could be several protections in place before such spike actually reaches your home. But if it still does, only then it could fry a component inside your computer, your SSD included.