byte + byte = int... why?

The third line of your code snippet:

byte z = x + y;

actually means

byte z = (int) x + (int) y;

So, there is no + operation on bytes, bytes are first cast to integers and the result of addition of two integers is a (32-bit) integer.

In terms of "why it happens at all" it's because there aren't any operators defined by C# for arithmetic with byte, sbyte, short or ushort, just as others have said. This answer is about why those operators aren't defined.

I believe it's basically for the sake of performance. Processors have native operations to do arithmetic with 32 bits very quickly. Doing the conversion back from the result to a byte automatically could be done, but would result in performance penalties in the case where you don't actually want that behaviour.

I think this is mentioned in one of the annotated C# standards. Looking...

EDIT: Annoyingly, I've now looked through the annotated ECMA C# 2 spec, the annotated MS C# 3 spec and the annotation CLI spec, and none of them mention this as far as I can see. I'm sure I've seen the reason given above, but I'm blowed if I know where. Apologies, reference fans :(

I thought I had seen this somewhere before. From this article, The Old New Thing:

Suppose we lived in a fantasy world where operations on 'byte' resulted in 'byte'.

byte b = 32;
byte c = 240;
int i = b + c; // what is i?

In this fantasy world, the value of i would be 16! Why? Because the two operands to the + operator are both bytes, so the sum "b+c" is computed as a byte, which results in 16 due to integer overflow. (And, as I noted earlier, integer overflow is the new security attack vector.)

EDIT: Raymond is defending, essentially, the approach C and C++ took originally. In the comments, he defends the fact that C# takes the same approach, on the grounds of language backward compatibility.


ECMA-334 states that addition is only defined as legal on int+int, uint+uint, long+long and ulong+ulong (ECMA-334 14.7.4). As such, these are the candidate operations to be considered with respect to 14.4.2. Because there are implicit casts from byte to int, uint, long and ulong, all the addition function members are applicable function members under We have to find the best implicit cast by the rules in

Casting(C1) to int(T1) is better than casting(C2) to uint(T2) or ulong(T2) because:

  • If T1 is int and T2 is uint, or ulong, C1 is the better conversion.

Casting(C1) to int(T1) is better than casting(C2) to long(T2) because there is an implicit cast from int to long:

  • If an implicit conversion from T1 to T2 exists, and no implicit conversion from T2 to T1 exists, C1 is the better conversion.

Hence the int+int function is used, which returns an int.

Which is all a very long way to say that it's buried very deep in the C# specification.


The CLI operates only on 6 types (int32, native int, int64, F, O, and &). (ECMA-335 partition 3 section 1.5)

Byte (int8) is not one of those types, and is automatically coerced to an int32 before the addition. (ECMA-335 partition 3 section 1.6)

The answers indicating some inefficiency adding bytes and truncating the result back to a byte are incorrect. x86 processors have instructions specifically designed for integer operation on 8-bit quantities.

In fact, for x86/64 processors, performing 32-bit or 16-bit operations are less efficient than 64-bit or 8-bit operations due to the operand prefix byte that has to be decoded. On 32-bit machines, performing 16-bit operations entail the same penalty, but there are still dedicated opcodes for 8-bit operations.

Many RISC architectures have similar native word/byte efficient instructions. Those that don't generally have a store-and-convert-to-signed-value-of-some-bit-length.

In other words, this decision must have been based on perception of what the byte type is for, not due to underlying inefficiencies of hardware.