Showing that $|f(z)| \leq \prod \limits_{k=1}^n \left|\frac{z-z_k}{1-\overline{z_k}z} \right|$

I need some help with this problem:

Let $f\colon D \to D$ analytic and $f(z_1)=0, f(z_2)=0, \ldots, f(z_n)=0$ where $z_1, z_2, \ldots, z_n \in D= \{z:|z|<1\}$. I want to show that $$|f(z)| \leq \prod_{k=1}^n \left| \frac{z-z_k}{1-\overline{z_k}\, z} \right|$$ for all $z \in D$.

It seems that I need to use Schwarz-Pick Lemma but it seems that the problem doesn't satisfy the conditions. Another lemma that I can use is that of Lindelöf saying: Let $f:D \to D$ analytic, then $$|f(z)|\leq \frac{|f(0)|+|z|}{1+|f(0)| \cdot |z|}$$ for all $ z \in D$.

It seems to be an easy problem but I couldn't succeed in solving it.

Solution 1:

Let $B(z)=\prod_{k=1}^n \frac{z-z_k}{1-\overline{z_k}z}.$ Note that $|B(z)|=1$ for $|z|=1.$ Define $g(z):=f(z)/B(z).$ Now, $g$ is a holomorphic map on $D$.

For $|z| < r < 1$ we have by the maximum modulus principle $$ \frac{|f(z)|}{|B(z)|} \le \max_{\theta} \frac{1}{|B(re^{i\theta})|} \overset{r\to 1}\longrightarrow 1 $$ Hence,

$$|f(z)| \leq |B(z)|= \prod_{k=1}^n \left|\frac{z-z_k}{1-\overline{z_k}z} \right|.$$

See the Blaschke Product as well.