What UML (Unified Modelling Language) tools are available?

Solution 1:

Did you ever try Umbrello? Given it is based on KDE, however is the best tool I have encountered if you do not want to go the java route. Umbrello is in the Ubuntu repository.

If you are ok with java, ArgoUML is a quite good tool, or you can see what plugins are available for eclipse.


Solution 2:

Tried Dia?

 sudo apt-get install dia


Solution 3:

Umlet Install umlet is a great, free, open-source UML tool with a simple user interface:

  • you can draw UML diagrams fast,
  • produce sequence and activity diagrams
  • export diagrams to eps, pdf, jpg, svg, and clipboard
  • share diagrams using Eclipse
  • create new, custom UML elements

and UMLet runs stand-alone or as Eclipse plug-in on Windows, OS X and Linux.

(Also, check out its sister tool PLOTlet to create chart grids.)


Its among the best and my personal favorite !

Solution 4:

Dia Install dia can generate code into Java, PHP, C++ and many more, but you should install Dia2code Install dia2code for generating code. I use it for creating UML and then generate the code of the classes.

Solution 5:

I use Papyrus, a suite developed by the Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique in France that is today available as a plug-in to Eclipse. It is the most advanced open source modelling tool I am aware of and supports UML2 almost entirely. Broad description:

Papyrus is aiming at providing an integrated and user-consumable environment for editing any kind of EMF model and particularly supporting UML and related modeling languages such as SysML and MARTE. Papyrus provides diagram editors for EMF-based modeling languages amongst them UML 2 and SysML and the glue required for integrating these editors (GMF-based or not) with other MBD and MDSD tools.

Most importantly, Papyrus supports Model-Driven Development (MDD), being a pretty able tool to develop Domain Specific Languages. On this regard, Papyrus seems to be the only open source tool supporting the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) pattern issued by the OMG. With a code generator such as Acceleo you end up with a full MDD stack - from which you may even create your own DSL plug-ins.

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