Is there a system-wide equalizer for PulseAudio or ALSA? [duplicate]

PulseAudio Equalizer is the way to go.

Here’s a blog post about it:

Since pulseaudio-equalizer is part of Ubuntu 17.04, you can simply enable the universe repository and then issue the installation command:

sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-equalizer

For older releases, add the PPA first:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
  • Are PPAs safe to add to my system and what are some "red flags" to watch out for?

After PulseAudio Equalizer is installed, you can launch its GUI with the applications qpaeq or pulseaudio-equalizer-gtk.

PulseAudio Multiband EQ window

Psyke83's on the Ubuntu Forums wrote a 'script' to do this for PulseAudio.

Ubuntu 10.10:

Currently the easiest method is to install from a deb created by WebUp8.

Ubuntu 10.04 and below:

There is a PPA containing the equalizer:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:psyke83/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-equalizer

alt text

This list is roughly sorted from simple to professional and of course far from being complete.



Alsaequal is an equalizer plugin for the (usually preinstalled) command-line audio mixer alsamixer as well as amixer.


sudo apt install libasound2-plugin-equal 


alsamixer -D equal
amixer -D equal

To change to the equalizer in the running program, press F6, choose enter device name... and enter “equal”.


You can find configuration tipps on, e. g. how to save and load custom presets.

PulseAudio Equalizer

PulseAudio Equalizer


Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty and 16.04 Xenial

Follow these instructions on

Ubuntu 18.04 and later

sudo apt install pulseaudio-equalizer



If you encounter an error and are told to make sure you have the pulseaudio dbus module loaded follow the instructions in this answer.




sudo apt install jackeq


JackEQ needs a configured and running JACK Audio Connection Kit, a howto is provided by this article on



JAMin is the JACK Audio Connection Kit (JACK) Audio Mastering interface (…) designed to perform professional audio mastering of stereo input streams. source


sudo apt install jamin


JAMin needs a configured and running JACK, a howto is provided by this article on

JACK Rack with LADSPA effects


JACK Rack is a sound studio rack where you can store and combine LADSPA effect plugins. A collection of plugins is contained in the ubuntustudio-audio-plugins package. More on


sudo apt install jack-rack


JACK Rack needs a configured and running JACK, a howto is provided by this article on

Advanced audio software – normally using the JACK Audio Connection Kit – of course also comes with equalizing features. As I feel like this goes beyond the scope of this question, here's just a short list with links.

  • Kwave: sudo apt install kwave
  • MusE: sudo apt install muse
  • Audacity: sudo apt install audacity
  • LMMS: sudo apt install lmms
  • Rosegarden: sudo apt install rosegarden
  • Ardour: sudo apt install ardour, needs plugins for equalizing features
  • Qtractor: sudo apt install qtractor
  • Renoise
  • ocenaudio

Further information about audio software can be found on the German Ubuntu wiki

I was looking for a graphical eq package for Ubuntu 12.04 and found this post. Thanks a lot for this!

Unfortunately the link provided for WebUp8's deb is no longer valid, but there's this one that I found hosted on and works perfectly.

I found that the easiest way of installing it is via the deb package. Installs right away w/o hassle. And this little thingy works, eh? Even stays permanently after a reboot! System-wide all the way**.

**Actually, I realized why: the eq application is just a frontend for adjusting the DSP's eq settings in PulseAudio; so mainly it's PulseAudio (ALSA?) retaining the settings - the eq interface is just there to allow accessibility to these settings. (I'm a total Ubuntu noob, hope this makes sense)

Too bad it's no longer supported, I wonder why not. But works on Precise alright.

If you use Ubuntu >= 18.04 you can try Pulse Effects.