How to organize a relatively large Flask application?

Solution 1:

I have created a Flask boilerplate project called "Fbone", please feel free to check it out and fork :)

Fbone (Flask bone) is a Flask (Python microframework) template/bootstrap/boilerplate application.


  • Well designed for big project using blueprint.
  • Integrate with hottest frontend framework: jQuery / html5boilerplate / bootstrap.
  • Backed by the famous SQLalchemy.
  • Implement tricky "remember me" by flask-login.
  • Handle web forms by flask-wtform.
  • Unit testing with flask-testing and nose.
  • Easily deploy via fabric and mod_wsgi (example included).
  • i18n by flask-babel

btw, I just found this wiki on building a large project with Flask useful, pls check it!

Solution 2:

Flask 0.7 implements Blueprints. They are great for using the route decorator without importing the main application object.