Formatting a USB stick - unable to operate USB

Solution 1:

There is a tool with a graphical user interface, that can help you perform the task to restore a USB stick to a standard storage device, mkusb.

  • mkusb 'wraps a safety belt around dd', helps you to identify and select the correct target device (the correct USB stick and not another device).
  • The standard storage device has an MSDOS partition table and a partition with the FAT32 file system.
  • If you want another file system, you can use mkusb to wipe the first mibibyte and after that use gparted to create the file system.

You find details how to install and use mkusb at the following links,


enter image description here

If mkusb cannot solve the problem at once, you may find a solution or at least an explanation (if the USB stick itself is read-only or completely 'bricked') via the following link,

Can't format my usb drive. I have already tried with mkdosfs and gparted - Analysis of the problem

Solution 2:

  1. Do

    sudo dd if="/dev/zero" of="/dev/sdX" bs=4M count=32
    (X being the block device of the USB drive)
  2. Reboot your computer. Explanation: no this shouldn't be necessary. Has it been necessary for me in the past for whatever stupid reason? Yes, it has. shrug

  3. Use Gparted to create an msdos partition table on the USB drive, and then create a primary partition with whatever filesystem you like. (Psst. Don't forget to hit the Apply button)