How do I make a 'Perfect 8'?

My question is, say I wanted to make a perfect Firuch Snowcaller II

Would I have the same result if I evolve them using the following methods (Master + Pawn -> New Familiar):

  1. lv70 Firuch Iceblood + lv70 Firuch Iceblood -> lv70 Firuch Iceblood II

  2. lv1 Firuch Iceblood + Lv70 Firuch Iceblood -> lv1 Firuch Iceblood II which I then train up to lv70.

Which Firuch Iceblood II would have the higher max stats at level 70? or would they be the same?

If someone can answer this question, I'll be able to do the rest of the things :)

To Make a "Perfect" Familiar you have to do the following.(Method found on the Blood brothers wiki's evolution page)

Achieving Max stats

  • Requires 8 1-star versions of the Familiar.
  • Four of those must be leveled to Max, and then used as the Seed for the other Four.
  • Two of the Resulting 2-Star Familiars should then be leveled to Max (This will give max Stats for the 2-Star version), and then used as Seed for the two others.
  • One of the resulting 3-Star Familiars should be leveled to max (yielding the 3-Star Max Stats), and used as the Seed for the other.
  • The resulting 4-Star Familiar, when leveled completely will have Max Stats.

It is important to note that when a seed is on it's max level the spawn will inherent 10% of it's stats instead of just 5%.

Extra info can be found on the Blood Brothers wiki

So in your case your second method would yield the max stats.

It yields the same result. If you combine a level 70 into a level 1 and then level it to 70, or if you combine two level 70s. In the end they will have identical stats.