C-x C-c not working in Emacs 23.1

I am using Emacs 23.1 with Cygwin but when I try to exit by pressing C-x C-c it says C-x C-g is undefined and I am not able to exit.

This problem can be fixed by inserting the following line in file Cygwin.bat before the line with bash --login -i:

set CYGWIN=tty notitle glob

File Cygwin.bat is in the root of the Cygwin installation and is also the file that there is a shortcut to in menu Start/Programs/Cygwin. The shortcut may be named Cygwin Bash Shell.

I have tested it and my version of the Cygwin.bat file now contains:

@echo off

chdir e:\cygwin171\bin

set CYGWIN=tty notitle glob

bash --login -i

Sounds like a Cygwin issue, interpreting Ctrl-c as Interrupt and Emacs somehow translating that to its interrupt character, Ctrl-g.

As a workaround, you can always exit Emacs by doing Meta-xsave-buffers-kill-terminal .

I had the same problem and just solved it by adding a Windows environment variable called CYGWIN with the value "tty".