C# pattern to prevent an event handler hooked twice [duplicate]

Duplicate of: How to ensure an event is only subscribed to once and Has an event handler already been added?

I have a singleton that provides some service and my classes hook into some events on it, sometimes a class is hooking twice to the event and then gets called twice. I'm looking for a classical way to prevent this from happening. somehow I need to check if I've already hooked to this event...

How about just removing the event first with -= , if it is not found an exception is not thrown

/// -= Removes the event if it has been already added, this prevents multiple firing of the event
((System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser)sender).Document.Click -= new System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementEventHandler(testii);
((System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser)sender).Document.Click += new System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElementEventHandler(testii);

Explicitly implement the event and check the invocation list. You'll also need to check for null:

using System.Linq; // Required for the .Contains call below:


private EventHandler foo;
public event EventHandler Foo
        if (foo == null || !foo.GetInvocationList().Contains(value))
            foo += value;
        foo -= value;

Using the code above, if a caller subscribes to the event multiple times, it will simply be ignored.

I've tested each solution and the best one (considering performance) is:

private EventHandler _foo;
public event EventHandler Foo {

    add {
        _foo -= value;
        _foo += value;
    remove {
        _foo -= value;

No Linq using required. No need to check for null before cancelling a subscription (see MS EventHandler for details). No need to remember to do the unsubscription everywhere.

You really should handle this at the sink level and not the source level. That is, don't prescribe event handler logic at the event source - leave that to the handlers (the sinks) themselves.

As the developer of a service, who are you to say that sinks can only register once? What if they want to register twice for some reason? And if you are trying to correct bugs in the sinks by modifying the source, it's again a good reason for correcting these issues at the sink-level.

I'm sure you have your reasons; an event source for which duplicate sinks are illegal is not unfathomable. But perhaps you should consider an alternate architecture that leaves the semantics of an event intact.