What is the difference between the bind and live methods in jQuery?

In short: .bind() will only apply to the items you currently have selected in your jQuery object. .live() will apply to all current matching elements, as well as any you might add in the future.

The underlying difference between them is that live() makes use of event bubbling. That is, when you click on a button, that button might exist in a <p>, in a <div>, in a <body> element; so in effect, you're actually clicking on all of those elements at the same time.

live() works by attaching your event handler to the document, not to the element. When you click on that button, as illustrated before, the document receives the same click event. It then looks back up the line of elements targeted by the event and checks to see if any of them match your query.

The outcome of this is twofold: firstly, it means that you don't have to continue reapplying events to new elements, since they'll be implicitly added when the event happens. However, more importantly (depending on your situation), it means that your code is much much lighter! If you have 50 <img> tags on the page and you run this code:

$('img').click(function() { /* doSomething */ });

...then that function is copied into each of those elements. However, if you had this code:

$('img').live('click', function() { /* doSomething */ });

...then that function is stored only in one place (on the document), and is applied to whatever matches your query at event time.

Because of this bubbling behaviour though, not all events can be handled this way. As Ichiban noted, these supported events are click, dblclick mousedown, mouseup, mousemove, mouseover, mouseout, keydown, keypress, keyup.

.bind() attacheds events to elements that exist or match the selector at the time the call is made. Any elements created afterwards or that match going forward because the class was changed, will not fire the bound event.

.live() works for existing and future matching elements. Before jQuery 1.4 this was limited to the following events: click, dblclick mousedown, mouseup, mousemove, mouseover, mouseout, keydown, keypress, keyup

Bind will bind events to the specified pattern, for all matches in the current DOM at the time you call it. Live will bind events to the specified pattern for the current DOM and to future matches in the DOM, even if it changes.

For example, if you bind $("div").bind("hover", ...) it will apply to all "div"s in the DOM at the time. If you then manipulate the DOM and add an extra "div", it won't have that hover event bound. Using live instead of bind would dispatch the event to the new div as well.

Nice read on this: http://www.alfajango.com/blog/the-difference-between-jquerys-bind-live-and-delegate/

Is nowadays (since jQuery 1.7) deprecated using the .on() function - http://api.jquery.com/on/

imagine this scenario:

  1. i have several <img> elements.
    • $('img').bind('click', function(){...});
    • add some extra images (using get(), or html(), anything)
    • the new images don't have any binding!!

of course, since the new images didn't exist when you did the $('img')... at step 2, it didn't bind the event handler to them.

now, if you do this:

  1. i have several <img> elements.
    • $('img').live('click', function(){...});
    • add some extra images (using get(), or html(), anything)
    • the new images do have the binding!!

magic? just a little. in fact jQuery binds a generic event handler to another element higher in the DOM tree (body? document? no idea) and lets the event bubble up. when it gets to the generic handler, it checks if it matches your live() events and if so, they're fired, no matter if the element was created before or after the live() call.