Is "at least" a parenthetical expression requiring commas?

Is this sentence punctuated correctly with no commas surrounding "at least," or does it need them?

Why or why not? Adverbial phrase? Essential or nonessential? I have been looking at it too long and can't tell anymore!

Well, there was the one time at least the mother had him in the store.

N.B. This is a transcript of actual testimony in a court case being transcribed, so the wording cannot be changed.

Solution 1:

You should parenthesize the expression with commas in that sentence:

Well, there was the one time, at least, the mother had him in the store.

If you don't do so, the sentence becomes ambiguous. Do you mean to emphasize "the one time at least" or "at least the mother"? It's not clear. But setting off the expression with commas eliminates confusion.

Note that you could accomplish the same thing by not using ellipsis. The word that is implied but omitted in your example. Put it back and the ambiguity goes away:

Well, there was the one time at least that the mother had him in the store.

I would still prefer commas there, however:

Well, there was the one time, at least, that the mother had him in the store.