Meaning of "stands there" in "[The word] stands there, easily repeated back"

I do not understand the "stands there" part related to the word:

It is much harder to deny having said an angry word. It stands there, easily repeated back, hard to disavow totally.

What would be a synonym for that? I need to understand. So far I have come up with "stand" in the meaning of "be valid" — it was said and thus it is valid, you cannot take it back. But it does not go well with "there".

Solution 1:

"Stands there" implies that the angry word is present after it has been spoken on account of its severity. It leaves a strong impression on those who have heard it.

As such, I would offer the word "looms" as a synonym that can replace the phrase "stands there" in your passage. Looms has the sense of being ominous and weighty like the impact of the angry word.

looms: To rise before the vision with an appearance of great or portentous size.

"Vision" seems to imply that for a thing to loom it must be visible, but a google search returns examples of "loom" being used to describe an idea or thought.

  • "If no vast and terrifying power of evil loomed in our minds..." [The Prince of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good In History]
  • "Loss of prestige also loomed..." ["Evil People": A Comparative Study of Witch Hunts in Swabian Austria"]

The sentence with the synonym would read:

It is much harder to deny having said an angry word. It looms, easily repeated back, hard to disavow totally.

Solution 2:

I would suggest the word evident, which (according to NOAD) means plain or obvious; clearly seen or understood.


It is much harder to deny having said an angry word. It remains evident, easily repeated back, hard to disavow totally.

The sentiment conveyed (at least, how I interpret the quote) is that it's harder for everyone in the room to forget you said something angrily. Another idiomatic way you could say it would be:

It is much harder to deny having said an angry word. It hangs in the room, easily repeated back, hard to disavow totally.