If you prestige, do you keep your unlocked tokens?

Solution 1:

If you are referring to the unlock tokens you use to unlock guns and perks, then no, they do not persist across prestiges. It is to note that even at max level, there are not enough unlock tokens to unlock every single piece of gear (Perks, Wildcards, Guns, & Equipment.) The exception for this is reaching Prestige Master, when all gear will unlock and you will have access to every item. When you prestige you do get a single 'Prestige unlock' which you can use to do one of 3 things

  • Fresh Start: Completely reset all stats and start at level 1
  • Unlock Token Reset: Refund all spent unlock tokens, to unlock different gear
  • Perma Unlock: Remove an item's level minimum so that on further prestiges you do not have to level up to unlock the item. (Still must be level 4 to unlock Create-A-Class)