Unable to use dot syntax for ruby hash

Hash does not have dot-syntax for it's keys. OpenStruct does:

require 'ostruct'
hash = {:name => 'John'}
os = OpenStruct.new(hash)
p os.name #=> "John"

NOTE: Does not work with nested hashes.

OpenStruct will work well for a pure hash, but for hashes with embeded arrays or other hashes, the dot syntax will choke. I came across this solution, which works well without loading in another gem: https://coderwall.com/p/74rajw/convert-a-complex-nested-hash-to-an-object basic steps are:

data = YAML::load(File.open("your yaml file"))
json_data = data.to_json
mystr = JSON.parse(json_data,object_class: OpenStruct)

you can now access all objects in mystr using dot syntax.