docker-compose no such service: myapp

I think you got the relation of docker and docker-compose wrong:

docker-compose is a wrapper around docker. To do its job docker-compose needs its config: docker-compose.yaml

Spinning your example further:

create docker-compose.yaml:

version: '2'
    container_name: myapp
    build: .
    command: node app.js
      - "9000:3000"

use docker-compose to start the container and run a command in the running container:

docker-compose up
docker-compose exec web /bin/bash

docker-compose uses the name of the service - in your case this is web - whereas docker uses the container name - in this case myapp.

So to run /bin/bash through docker, you would use the following:

docker exec -ti myapp /bin/bash

you could remove the container_name from docker-compose.yaml, then the container would be named automatically by docker-compose - similar to the service, but prefixed with the name of the docker-compose stack (the foldername where docker-compose.yaml is located).