Unable to get Atom text editor from the Software Center

I'm unable to get Atom text editor from the Software Center. When I try I get this error:

Package does not exist.
Check the spelling of the package name, and that the appropriate repository is enabled.

Solution 1:

Run these commands to quickly and easily install and upgrade the Atom text editor snap package from the terminal in all currently supported versions of Ubuntu (64-bit only).

  • Install Atom text editor:

    sudo apt install snapd  
    sudo snap install --classic atom  

    Note that a snap in classic confinement behaves as a traditionally packaged application with full access to the system, and Atom extension packages are installed into the user's home directory.

  • Upgrade Atom text editor:

    sudo snap refresh --classic atom  

Atom text editor can also be installed from the Ubuntu Software application in Ubuntu 16.04 as shown in the below screenshot. Either way there is no need to add a PPA to your software sources.

enter image description here

Atom is more than just another text editor. Atom is extensible through the installation of Atom packages that can give Atom the capabilities of running code, showing inline graphical output and more.

enter image description here Inline plot in Atom

Solution 2:

Atom is not available from the standard Ubuntu repositories:

└──> ~ % apt-cache madison atom
      atom | 1.18.0-1~webupd8~0 | http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/atom/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages

In order to install Atom, you need to either download the debfile and install that, or add the Webupd8 Atom PPA.

For the former (direct debfile), run these commands:

wget -O /tmp/atom.deb https://atom.io/download/deb
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/atom.deb
sudo apt -f install

Alternatively, if you'd rather use the PPA and allow Apt to manage your installation (which I personally recommend), run these commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom
sudo apt update
sudo apt install atom